Friday, July 2, 2010

Times Square

For Erica!
Times Square is "for Erica"
Today I made it to Times Square! We got off early from work today, so after going ot eat lunch at a French restaurant and watching Ghana score the 45 +1 minute goal I left for Times Square very content (too bad Ghana lost, I was really rooting for them). Anyways, I got to Times Square and there were so many people. People, cars, lights - everywhere. The ultimate symbol of capatilism. I would bet that there are a lot of countries out there that don't use nearly as much energy as Times Square does to keep everything lit up all day long. This is not to say that I didn't enjoy myself today, because I did, that is just not a place I would want to frequent. The next time I go back will probably be to buy a broadway ticket if I decide to see a show - they have automated booths there where you can buy tickets 50% off - but the line is horrendous!

I was very amused by the "For Erica" sign I discovered. Well, it wasn't really a sign but I happened to be coming down the escalator while shopping when I noticed my name. What a perfect angle I stumbled upon! It is like New York saying, "Here you go Erica, this day is for you, enjoy!"

Erica on the Big Screen
Where is Erica? Click here to see.
After the amazing for erica photo I headed towards a store called Loft to shop - the whole store 50% off, yes! - and noticed that I was up on the jumbo screen! So I took a photo of that as well. See if you can find me (hint: I am wearing a green shirt and jeans -or- click here to see). I must admit that that jumbo screen setup Forever 21 has is one of the best works of advertisement I have ever seen. They get hundreds of people stopping to look up at the screen, which rests above their store and has a giant 21 on it, so now people know what store it is associated with. Then people start pointing so more people head over to see what's going on. Everyone is taking photos. And now with facebook, twitter, blogs, and instant uploads with cell phones, I am sure that the hundreds of people who took a photo of themselves up on the screen (myself included), put those photos online - hello free advertisement, and lots of it. So smart! Whoever thought of that better have gotten a raise.

Times Square
Clouds over Times Square
After a quick stop at Loft, where I got some rally cute linen capris, I headed back to the subway - a labyrinth in this part of town, by the way - and headed home. One of my favorite things to do, still, is ride the train and observe all of the flavors of people in New York. It is also a good time to thrown some calming music onto my trusty ipod (today it was Thievery Corporation) and focus on my breathing. So relaxing. Then I came home and had my favorite end of day snack - chopped avocado with Italian dressing. It is too bad that even my salad dressing has corn syrup in it... damnit! That stuff in inescapable! Really, start paying attention to that.

Now it is time to enjoy the three day weekend!

Times Square
Times Square panorama

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