Saturday, June 19, 2010

An Impromptu Trip to the Park

Fort Tryon Park
Erica walking in Fort Tryon Park
Well I've found a place to live! I was supposed to see another sublet today, but was late by 45 minutes. Parts of the main line were under construction and for a person who just got here yesterday compounded by all of the train redirects, a 40 minute ride turned into an 80 minute ride. By the time I arrived the guy was gone. Obviously events happened that way for a reason, so didn't get upset, I just made the best of it and walked two more blocks to visit Fort Tryon Park, which I had been wanting to see anyways.

And what a beautiful park it is! Fort Tryon Park has paths winding through the forest, with beautiful views of the Hudson and New Jersey. At the top there is Fort Tryon, which houses The Cloisters - a branch of the MET. Unfortunately it closed at 5, too late again. Still, the walk up to the top was very enjoyable and on the way down I actually met a lady who was walking her three dogs, she reminded me of my mom - they were all dogs that she had rescued. Plus, I found a nice grassy area where I was able to lay out my sarong (I can never overstate the value of sarongs), do a few sun salutations, meditate, and pray. Nice and relaxing, even though it is difficult to escape the sounds of the city - I doubt there are any silent spaces in New York City.

Fort Tryon
Fort Tryon
But back to what I started with. I decided to sublet the first place I saw - the one with the cat in The Bronx. It is a great deal - two bedrooms (yay! visitors will have private space and a bed!), close to the subway, and it is in a house rather than in a building with close quarters. Of course this house has apartment buildings like that surrounding it - sort of like in the movie "Up" - but at least there is a buffer. Tonight, in Chelsea, the air in my room is vibrating due to the heavy beats coming from downstairs, so I'm sure I will appreciate that buffer zone between the buildings and the house. Oh well, city noise is all part of the experience. Besides, I came prepared with earplugs and I have a window fan/aircon unit to drown out the sounds of the city that never sleeps.

And with that, I am off to watch the Daily Show online (I have placed my name on the ticket wait list, btw) then to bed. I really need readjust my sleep schedule.

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